We offer Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) services that address challenges affecting our psychology, our nervous system, and our immune system. PNI deals with how loneliness and poor sleep can induce inflammation during stress. This is evidenced by increases in molecules normally involved in immune system support, which become more activated in such situations. The hypothalamus, responsible for regulating basic needs to keep us alive, including sleep, plays a crucial role in this process. Consequently, our body responds by inducing an immune system response to “defend” us from this perceived “attack.” Understanding these mechanisms is crucial in developing effective interventions to improve overall health and well-being.
PNI Therapy for Stress
Telehealth Therapy
This is one of our most popular services, particularly as we manage all the changes due to COVID. It’s made a big difference for many of our clients and is provided with the highest level of excellence. With this service, we ensure all details are confidential and handled in a sensitive manner.